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What FORBES Uruguay says about us

What FORBES Uruguay says about us

Gimbrere Legal is out in Forbes Magazine Uruguay. Our law firm is the bridge between America Latina and Europe.

More and more Uruguayans are interested in settling on the other side of the Atlantic or expanding their businesses to Europe. Gimbrere Legal provides all the advice to facilitate this path.

The interest of Uruguayans in the Old Continent is growing day by day. Going to live, export products, services or open a company in Europe is not as difficult as many imagine. Multiple tax facilities, low initial share capital to set up a company, a good economic climate, tax stability and interesting growth prospects are some of the attractions to weigh when making the decision to expand into Europe.

The interest of Uruguayans in the Old Continent is growing day by day. Going to live, export products, services or open a company in Europe is not as difficult as many imagine. Multiple tax facilities, low initial share capital to set up a company, a good economic climate, tax stability and interesting growth prospects are some of the attractions to weigh when making the decision to expand into Europe.

Entrepreneurs are also encouraged to take the plunge in order to grow and offer their services abroad. We have helped many entrepreneurs to establish their companies in Europe”, reported Robert De Pater, CEO of Gimbrere Legal. The law firm has more than 40 years of experience helping companies do business. It was founded in the Netherlands in 1983 and since then has consolidated as an international firm, with offices in Barcelona, Italy and Uruguay.

Barcelona, for example, is the city with the second largest number of Uruguayans in the world and offers several advantages for the export of services. In Spain, the most common business unit is the SRL, which can be established with a single partner regardless of whether the person is natural or legal, with a minimum share capital of 3,000 euros.

Gimbrere Legal Uruguay lawyer Georgina Dell’Acqua pointed out that the firm “studies the cases of its clients to provide them with the best solutions and corresponding strategies.” She indicated that the firm’s main clients are Uruguayans who have family ties in Spain or Italy and want to obtain residency or set up their business, but also entrepreneurs who intend to expand. The advice goes from the constitution and establishment of the company to any logistical or administrative procedure that they may have in different countries.

β€œFrom our firm, we always study the cases of our clients to provide them with the best solutions and corresponding strategies. Personally, I am part of a network of Uruguayan professionals and entrepreneurs in Barcelona, UYREDES, which grows even more every day”, Dell’Acqua commented on this phenomenon that has occurred in recent years.

The CEO of Gimbrere Legal highlighted the close link between Uruguay and the Netherlands, given the exports that enter through the port of Rotterdam. It is the main gateway for products from Latin America to Europe. From there, the goods can be very easily transported to other countries of the European Union in a matter of hours.

“The assistance of a Dutch law firm will always be more complete and effective in the event of any legal or logistical unforeseen event,” said De Pater. In the case of Gimbrere Legal, the great advantage of language is added, since his team speaks Spanish.

In the Netherlands, the most popular business structure is a Limited Liability Company: The Dutch Private Limited Company (BV) and there is virtually no minimum investment capital required. The country also has numerous tax benefits.

Gimbrere Legal became an international firm of comprehensive solutions, with the main objective of “being a bridge between Latin America and Europe”.

“We are a bridge between Uruguayan people or companies to expand to Europe, to help them with the export of their products or services, to set up a company, so that they can obtain their residence or citizenship, buy a property, establish themselves or invest,” he stressed. Dell’Acqua.

Read the full article about what Forbes says about us!

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