Incorporation of a company in the Netherlands

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Incorporation of a company in the Netherlands

Gimbrere Legal is pleased to offer assistance in the incorporation of companies in the Netherlands.

5 Main reasons to incorporate a company in the Netherlands:

  • Strategic location: The Netherlands is an ideal gateway to Europe due to its central geographical location and excellent transport and logistics infrastructure.
  • Competitive tax climate: The Netherlands offers a favorable tax climate with a corporate tax rate of 20%, which is lower than in other neighboring countries. In addition, there are tax incentives and a tax-free investment holding regime for passive investment activities.
  • International business environment and unrivaled professional infrastructure: The Netherlands has a vibrant international business environment with extensive networking and collaboration opportunities. In addition, they have a solid professional infrastructure that provides support to companies in various aspects.
  • Attractive quality of life: The Netherlands offers a high quality of life with excellent public services, a quality education system and a safe and stable environment in which to live and work.
  • Tax incentives for financing activities: The Netherlands provides tax incentives for financing activities, making it an attractive destination for companies seeking to establish their financial headquarters.


The Dutch private limited company (BV) is a popular business structure in the Netherlands. It is a legal entity with legal personality that limits the liability of the shareholders. You may establish a BV with yourself as sole director and majority shareholder or with other individuals and/or legal entities.

The process of incorporating a company in the Netherlands includes the following steps:

Tax and legal advice: Determine the best corporate structure for your company and obtain appropriate advice on tax and legal aspects.

Incorporation of the company: This step involves the drafting of bylaws and other legal documents necessary for the incorporation of the company. The assistance of a notary public is required to carry out this process.

Business address: You must have a registered address in the Netherlands as your business address.

Opening a bank account: Open a bank account with a Dutch bank for business transactions.

Application for the corresponding tax numbers: Make the necessary applications to obtain the required fiscal numbers for your company.

With these steps completed, your company will be ready to operate. Gimbrere Legal has a specialized team that can assist you in the whole process of incorporating your company in the Netherlands, adapting to your specific needs and providing the best strategies for your business plans.

Do not hesitate to contact us to evaluate your case and provide you with the necessary assistance in the incorporation of your company in the Netherlands.

With these issues covered, your company is ready to go. Gimbrere Legal can assist you in this process to set up your company according to your needs. We are a specialized team and we create the best strategies for your business plans.


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