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Amelia Raas

Amelia Raas

Amelia Raas, our team lawyer member at Gimbrere Legal in the Netherlands, joinedΒ  the firm in 2017. Amelia has been a key player, focusing on civil law issues and displaying a strong commitment to her clients.

Amelia’s expertise encompasses various aspects of civil law, with a primary focus on contract law, liability law, and personal injury cases. She brings a wealth of legal sense to each case, ensuring a thorough understanding of the intricacies involved. Her dedication to her clients is evident, as she is closely involved with them, striving to achieve the maximum result within the legal framework.

Within the legal arena, Amelia has proven her prowess in representing clients in diverse proceedings. Notably, she played a crucial role in claiming compensation on behalf of a crime victim. In a case where a client was a victim of a criminal offense involving the forceful handover of valuable possessions, Amelia represented the client at the sentencing hearing, successfully claiming damages on his behalf.

Another significant achievement in Amelia’s legal career includes her involvement in court proceedings to determine ownership of used dies for the manufacture of fire reels. Her adept legal skills and strategic approach led to a favorable ruling by the Arnhem-Leeuwarden Court of Appeal, showcasing her ability to navigate complex legal matters.

Beyond her professional commitments, Amelia embraces a vibrant life outside the courtroom. She finds joy in traveling, indulging her passion for sports, and cherishing moments spent socializing with friends. This well-rounded approach to life reflects her enthusiasm for both professional and personal pursuits.

Amelia Raas’s legal acumen, driven nature, and enthusiastic approach make her an invaluable asset to the Gimbrere Legal team. Her dedication to achieving optimal results for her clients, coupled with her vibrant personality, aligns seamlessly with the firm’s commitment to excellence in legal practice.

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