Interested in establishing your company in Italy? At Gimbrere Legal, we can provide you with the necessary assistance to make this process successful.
The first step in registering a company in Italy is to define the type of company you wish to incorporate. The following are the fundamental requirements for incorporating a company in Italy:
- Obtain a residence permit in Italy.
- Obtain an Italian tax code.
- Open an account in an Italian bank.
- Establish the parameters of association before a notary.
- To register in the commercial registry.
- Register for VAT (Imposta sul valore aggiunto).
- Wait for the approval of the court corresponding to that commune.
To incorporate a company in Italy, this procedure must be carried out before a notary public and then filed with the commercial registry. Subsequently, the VAT registration continues, generally performed by an Italian accountant. This professional is in charge of requesting a VAT number and submitting the documents to the tax authority.
All these procedures can be carried out by a duly authorized legal representative.
Some of the types of companies that can be incorporated in Italy:
- Limited Liability Company (S.R.L.): Registered in Italy with a minimum share capital of 10,000 euros. Membership is unlimited.
- Sociedad Anónima (S.P.A.): Two persons may form an SPA, one as director and the other as shareholder. The minimum capital stock required for this company is 120,000 euros. Shareholders are unlimited.
- Partnership in Collective Name (SNC): There are no limits on the number of partners or minimum capital stock established. The liability of each partner is joint and several and unlimited.
- Sociedad en Comandita Simple (SAS): This company is composed of two types of partners: limited partners and limited partners. There is no minimum amount required for capital stock.
- Cooperative Society: There are no limits as to the number of members and capital required. However, the liability of each shareholder may be limited or unlimited, as agreed in the bylaws.
- Italian Representative Office, Subsidiary or Branch: If you already have a company incorporated in your home country, you have the possibility to establish an extension of your company in Italy. This option is ideal for the expansion and internationalization of your business.
If you are considering incorporating your company in Italy, please contact us. At Gimbrere Legal, we will evaluate your case and provide the necessary assistance so that you can successfully establish your business in Italy.