Is your will still appropriate for your living situation? Have the will check performed by one of our probate specialists.
To properly manage your affairs after death, we always recommend having a will drawn up. If you do not, you are bound by the statutory intestate inheritance law. When drafting a will, people often think of determining who are heirs. Dit is juist, maar de mogelijkheden in een testament zijn eindeloos! For example, one can choose to appoint an executor and disinherit family members. Ook kan (buiten de erfstellingen om) ervoor worden gekozen om legaten af te geven.
Wist u trouwens dat het zelfs mogelijk is om uw buitenlands vermogen ook in dit testament te beschrijven? For example, Gimbrere Legal regularly advises Dutch people with property in Spain on this matter. These are some examples, but the message is clear: Think carefully about how you wish to arrange your affairs after death.
In de praktijk zien wij regelmatig voorbij komen dat men in het verre verleden een testament heeft laten opstellen. Often a will is made at a life event (the birth of a child, the purchase of a home). Met regelmaat constateren wij dat men in de jaren daaropvolgend het testament in een kluis legt en er niet meer naar omkijkt. After all, isn’t it already settled? The question is whether that one will from 30 years ago is still appropriate for your current living situation.
There may be changed circumstances such as new assets or a new partner. There may also be a new form of cohabitation and/or a blurred/improved relationship with family members or acquaintances. It is desirable that your will at the time of death is still appropriate to your living situation at that time. Om die reden is het verstandig om uw testament te laten controleren, zodat u er zeker van bent dat uw estate is distributed by the right people and in the way you want.
Have your personal circumstances changed? Gimbrere Legal is happy to think along with you. Also about the (im)possibilities of your current will and whether it still suits your current living situation. Tegen een vast tarief van € 395,– inclusief BTW beoordeelt een van onze erfrecht specialists your current will and provides you with customized advice. Contact us and get the will check done today!
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